Saturday, 4 August 2012

Kings Canyon to Alice Springs

Leaving Kings Canyon at around 10am and getting only 50 Litres of fuel to make it to Alice Springs today. The fuel costing $2.33 a litre, wow!! The Fisher family, that we have now caught up with a fair bit, and have had many drinks with also, left an hour before us and is heading to Alice Springs as well. A memory of Kings Canyon for us was, we were robbed of our food by Ernie Dingo (HAHAHA). They did return again last night but we learnt a valuable lesson by not leaving anything out for them to take. Again an uneventful trip except for seeing wedge tail eagles, we stopped this time, and they are huge. Stopped at Finke River rest area for lunch and a stretch of the legs. This time Dylan is Marks assistant in the passenger seat and as we are traveling, Mark happens to mention, hope we make it to Alice Springs, as the fuel gauge is almost empty. “WHAT”, I said. We have this huge 180-litre tank and you say you’re about to run out. Well the fuel light comes on and we have 60 kms to Alice Springs. Dylan and I, had our head down hoping we would make it as we were out in the middle of no where and no mobile signal, Oliver yells from the back seat,” Great we are going to die”. Everyone needed to be calm, and keep the fingers crossed. We got closer and closer until we were about 15 kms out and I then said” You’ll be walking from here if it conks out”. Lucky for Mark and us we got into Alice Springs and happened to get petrol next to where we were staying at the Big 4 MacDonnell Range Caravan Park. The Fisher family were here and the kids were excited as its great to have other kids to play with. We all ate in the camp kitchen and this is where you meet people and talk about where you’re from and where you’re going.
Uno continued tonight, great Mark still in the lead, JUST!! 

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