Thursday, 2 August 2012

Kings Canyon.

Up early to finish packing up. Dylan and Oliver played footy with a couple of kids from Mornington that play with Mount Eliza. Discovered a minor problem with the duel battery set up which was quickly fixed with a new fuse. We set off at about 10.15 am and arrived at Kings Canyon resort. A pretty uneventful trip apart from Wedge Tail eagles and a small herd of wild brumbies 
            We set up at a nice site with great views of the Giles Ranges. Bought a slab of beer for $82.00!!!!!!Watched the sun set on the Giles Ranges drinking a beer with Mark FISHER whom Mark went to school with. Mark was traveling with his wife and two daughters and his father in law.
            After dinner we wandered up to the Thirsty Dingo Bar. It was only after did
we realize the significance of the name. The entertainment was provided by the world renowned ‘Roadies’. Dylan starred on the didgeridoo. We returned to camp at 9.00pm and we discovered the meaning of the thirsty dingo. Dingo’s had got into our fridge and stolen nearly the entire contents including 2 litres of milk, margarine, sauce, 2 yogurts, left over chicken, cheese slices, broccoli, a salami, a container full of pre mixed vegetables 7 hot dogs, 4 sausages and two stubbles located five metres from the camp. The dingo was still sniffing around as we returned to camp. We then packed up nearly everything outside before going to bed.

This picture is with the Jade Fisher.The Fisher family that we have caught up with.

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